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Why ParallelChain?

ParallelChain excels where most other blockchains stumble, providing:

  1. speed,
  2. scalability, and
  3. connectivity.

ParallelChain's dual-blockchain ecosystem drives near instant transactions. The public ParallelChain Mainnet and permissioned ParallelChain Enterprise both offer extremely high transaction speed—the latter operating at 130,000 transactions per second with a 3 millisecond finality.

This speed brings scalability to public decentralised applications and enterprise solutions alike. Both networks help projects and companies scale up the amount of bandwidth needed, especially during peak usage where on-chain activities such as NFT minting periods could otherwise clog up the network and raise transaction gas fees.

Moreover, heterogenous blockchains are unable to inter-communicate meaningfully due to their difference in architecture and consensus mechanism. With ParallelChain, the blockchain network achieves true native chain communication between permissioned and permissionless chains for deep level interoperability and allow enterprise users to tap into the decentralised space in a private, secure manner with Inter-ParallelChain Protocol (IPP).

IPP essentially acts as the bridge that connects the enterprise chain to DeFi networks built on the ParallelChain Mainnet, and this enables decentralised applications (dApps) to work across both layers. By doing so, we create wider accessibility between communities that are traditionally isolated.