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Account is the basic identity of an agent on the blockchain. An account is identified by its address.

In Parallelchain Mainnet, accounts are divided into two types:

  • Externally Owned Accounts (EOA): The address of an EOA is the public key of the keypair that is compatible with ed25519_dalek.
  • Contract Accounts: A contract account is created from contract deployment. The address is the hash of the concatenation of a contract's bytecode and the nonce of the EOA that deploys the contract.

Elements inside an account include:

  • Nonce: The number of transactions made to the blockchain under this account.
  • Balance: The balance of the account.

The followings are elements that only apply to Contract Accounts:

  • Contract Code: The binary of the contract that was deployed to the blockchain (applies to Contract Accounts).
  • CBI Version: The version of the Contract Binary Interface.
  • Storage Hash: The 32-byte SHA256 root hash of its Storage Trie. This is empty for an External.

Notes: These accounts cannot be distinguished from each other just by looking at the address format.

A Network Account is a single identified network-wide account that maintains the state of ParallelChain Mainnet. This account is not associated with Ed25519 material. The network-significant data that the Network Account stores are composed of various fields:

  • Previous Validator Set: The set of pools that form the validator set in the previous epoch. The stake in this validator set is locked until the next epoch.
  • Current Validator Set: The set of pools that form the validator set in the current epoch.
  • Next Validator Set: The limited-size pools with the largest powers. These will become the validator set in the next epoch.
  • Pools: The set of pools that are accepting stakes and currently competing to become part of the next validator set.
  • Deposits: The locked balance used to determine the amount of stake that can be contributed to a pool.
  • Current Epoch: The current epoch number.