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Managing Account

In ParallelChain, an account is identified by the public key of Ed25519 keypair. You can either generate new keys or import your existing Ed25519 keypair to make transactions in pchain_client. Both operations require password (if you setup before).

Generate New Keypair

This command generates a set of ed25519_dalek compatible keys. Random name will be set if you do not provide a name.

./pchain_client keys create --name <NAME>
./pchain_client.exe keys create --name <NAME>

Import Existing Keypair

If you have already got keys from ParallelChain Explorer, you can import your account keypair with this command. Random name will be set if you do not provide a name.

./pchain_client keys import --private <PRIVATE_KEY> --public <PUBLIC_KEY/ADDRESS> --name <NAME>
./pchain_client.exe keys import --private <PRIVATE_KEY> --public <PUBLIC_KEY/ADDRESS> --name <NAME>

PRIVATE_KEY and PUBLIC_KEY/ADDRESS are Base64url encoded.

List Accounts

After creating or adding keypair, you can check it using the following command to list out all public keys managed in this tool.

./pchain_client keys list
./pchain_client.exe keys list