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The Provider will reject any RPC request with an error object if the RPC request cannot be fulfilled. Every error object should have a code property that indicates the error type that occurred.

Error Type

interface XPLLProviderRpcError extends Error {
  code: number;
  data?: unknown;


XPLLProviderRpcError is inherited from the native Error object. Since Error is a serializable object, it can be cloned with structuredClone() or copied between Workers using postMessage().

Provider Errors

Status code Name Description
4001 User Rejected Request The user rejected the request.
4100 Unauthorized The requested method and/or account has not been authorized by the user.
4200 Unsupported Method The Provider does not support the requested method.
4900 Disconnected The Provider is disconnected from all chains.
4901 Chain Disconnected The Provider is not connected to the requested chain.
-32700 Parse error Invalid JSON
-32600 Invalid request JSON is not a valid request object
-32601 Method not found Method does not exist
-32602 Invalid params Invalid method parameters
-32603 Internal error Internal JSON-RPC error
-32000 Invalid input Missing or invalid parameters
-32001 Resource not found Requested resource not found
-32002 Resource unavailable Requested resource not available
-32003 Transaction rejected Transaction creation failed
-32004 Method not supported Method is not implemented
-32005 Limit exceeded Request exceeds defined limit
-32006 JSON-RPC version not supported Version of JSON-RPC protocol is not supported

[4900] is intended to indicate that the Provider is disconnected from all chains, while [4901] is intended to indicate that the Provider is disconnected from a specific chain only. In other words, [4901] implies that the Provider is connected to other chains, just not the requested one.