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Example - My Collections

We are going to demonstrate the use of module collections in pchian-sdk.

collections are designed as a data structure for gas efficiency:

  • Cacher: allows lazy loading of a field in contract storage
  • Vector: lazily stores a list of items
  • FastMap: lazily stores items into a key-value map
  • IterableMap: lazily stores items into an iterable key-value map

We create the MyCollections struct which includes all these collection structures.

use pchain_sdk::{
    contract, contract_methods, call, Cacher, collections::{Vector, FastMap, IterableMap}

type Address = [u8; 32];

pub struct MyCollections {
    lazy_cat: Cacher<String>,
    pretty_numbers: Vector<i32>,
    address_resolver: FastMap<Address, String>,
    prices: IterableMap<String, u32>


Cacher is a data wrapper to support Lazy Read and Lazy Write to a field in Contract Storage.

impl MyCollections {

    /// Here we use the receiver `&self` without loading data before executing this method. 
    fn meow(&self) -> String {
        // Actual loading happens here. 
        // Dereference as immutable and invoke a function as &String

    /// Here we use the receiver `&mut self` without loading data before executing this method. 
    fn feed(&mut self, data: String) {
        // Dereference as mutable and then assign a value to it
        // Actual saving happens after this method


/// Here we use the receiver `&self` without loading data before executing this method. 
fn pick(&self, index: usize) -> Option<i32> {
    // Actual loading happens here. 
    // Dereference as immutable and call functions from iterator
    self.pretty_numbers.iter().nth(index).map(|value| *value)

/// Here we use the receiver `&mut self` without loading data before executing this method. 
fn push(&mut self, num: i32) -> usize {
    // Dereference as mutable and then set a value to it
    // Actual saving happens after this method


/// Here we use the receiver `&self` without loading data before executing this method. 
fn resolve(&self, address: Address) -> Option<String> {
    // Actual loading happens here. 
    // Dereference as immutable and call functions from key-value map

/// Here we use the receiver `&mut self` without loading data before executing this method. 
fn add_record(&mut self, address: Address, name: String) {
    // Dereference as mutable and then insert a value
    self.address_resolver.insert(&address, name)
    // Actual saving happens after this method


/// Here we use the receiver `&self` without loading data before executing this method. 
fn price(&self, item: String) -> Option<u32> {
    // Actual loading happens here. 
    // Dereference as immutable and call functions from key-value map

/// Here we use the receiver `&mut self` without loading data before executing this method. 
fn set_price(&mut self, item: String, price: u32) {
    // Dereference as mutable and then insert a value
    self.prices.insert(&item, price);
    // Actual saving happens after this method

/// This method the iterable-map to calculate the sum of the values by iterating each item.
fn total_price(&self) -> u32 {