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Example - My Bank

We have introduced macros including contract, contract methods, and call in the contract Hello Contract and accessing values of fields from storage in the contract My Little Pony. Here we will put together all the knowledge and implement the bank smart contract that simulates banking operations with data stored in ParallelChain Mainnet.

Before diving into the writing of a smart contract, let's define the data struct BankAccount which will be stored in the storage. defined the struct BankAccount which consists of four fields, first_name, last_name, account_id, and amount. define data struct

use borsh::{BorshDeserialize, BorshSerialize};

use pchain_sdk::{

// Note that both the serializer and deserializer macros such as Borsh need to 
// be applied to this struct for it to work.

#[derive(BorshSerialize, BorshDeserialize)]
pub struct BankAccount {
    pub first_name: String,
    pub last_name: String,
    pub account_id: String,
    pub amount: u64,

We are using BorshDeserialize and BorshSerialize in the above struct because we will serialize this struct into bytes and store them into the storage. Remember to update the Cargo.toml by adding the crate borsh. We need the crate base64 for encoding the corresponding Account ID too. Therefore, add the following two lines under the dependencies section in Cargo.toml:

  • base64 = "0.13"
  • borsh = "=0.10.2"

Here we are not going to define the BankAccount data as a field in contract struct. But we will be able to load and save the data by using storage::get and storage::set explicitly. Let's add the following two methods for getting and setting the value with a given key.

get_bank_account() retrieves the value (i.e. BankAccount) of the given key from storage by using pchain_sdk::storage::get().

set_bank_account() stores the value (i.e. BankAccount) of the given key to storage by using pchain_sdk::storage::set(). accessing storage

pub fn get_bank_account(key: &[u8]) -> Option<BankAccount> {
    match storage::get(key) {
        Some(raw_result) => {
            let p: Option<BankAccount> =
                match BorshDeserialize::deserialize(&mut raw_result.as_ref()) {
                    Ok(d) => Some(d),
                    Err(_) => None,
        None => None,

pub fn set_bank_account(key: &[u8], value: &BankAccount) {
    let mut buffer: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
    value.serialize(&mut buffer).unwrap();
    storage::set(key, buffer.as_ref());

Lastly, add the impl of BankAccount which includes two methods that perform the actions of deposit and withdrawal. impl methods

impl BankAccount {
    pub fn deposit_to_balance(&mut self, amount_to_add: u64) {
        self.amount += amount_to_add;
    pub fn withdraw_from_balance(&mut self, amount_to_withdraw: u64) -> Option<u64> {
        if amount_to_withdraw <= self.amount {
            self.amount -= amount_to_withdraw;
        } else {

After having the BankAccount struct ready, it is time to start writing the bank smart contract. use bank_account::BankAccount; allows us to use the methods defined in

The macro contract above struct defines the basic structure of the contract which has only one field, num_of_account, indicating the number of accounts associated with this bank. This field has a key [0].


The key to be stored started with a zero-indexed u8 integer ordered by the fields in the contract struct. define contract struct

use pchain_sdk::{
    contract, contract_methods, call, crypto

mod bank_account;

use bank_account::BankAccount;

struct MyBank {
    num_of_account: u64

Remember that the macro #[contract_methods] generates entrypoint methods that can be called in transaction. We will create the first entrypoint method in MyBank impl. Firstly, we need the entrypoint method open_account() to create a brand-new account, with the specified first_name, last_name, account_id, and initial_deposit.

In open_account(), we initialize an instance of BankAccount, and store it in the storage directly by invoking bank_account::set_bank_account() with its Account ID as a key.

After storing the newly generated account into storage, we have to update the num_of_account. Therefore, we obtain the value of the field by doing MyBank::get_num_of_account(), like how we get the fields of our little pony in Chapter 2. Similarly, set the updated value by calling MyBank::set_num_of_account(). open a new account

impl MyBank {

    /// entrypoint method "open_account"
    fn open_account(
        first_name: String,
        last_name: String,
        account_id: String,
        initial_deposit: u64,
    ) {
        let parsed_account_id= 
        if account_id != "" {
        } else {

            // Generate a new account id using the base64 encoded sha256 hash
            // of the first and last name concatenated together

            let input = format!("{}{}", &first_name, &last_name).to_string().as_bytes().to_vec();

        // Create a new instance of BankAccount
        let opened_bank_account = BankAccount {
            first_name: first_name.to_owned(),
            last_name: last_name.to_owned(),
            account_id:  base64::encode(parsed_account_id),
            amount: initial_deposit,

        // Calling the functions from

        let initial_num_of_account = MyBank::get_num_of_account();
        MyBank::set_num_of_account(initial_num_of_account + 1);

            "bank_account: Open".as_bytes(),
            format!("Successfully opened 
            account for {}, {} 
            with account_id: {}",

Now, we have successfully implemented an entrypoint method that creates a new bank account, we should support other basic banking functionalities.

Let's start with checking account balance, users need to know how much money is left in their accounts.

The method bank_account::get_bank_account() returns Option<BankAccount> by a given account_id. If None is returned, the account does not exist; otherwise, we will be able to obtain the balance of the account by accessing the field amount. query account balance

fn query_account_balance(account_id: String) {
    match bank_account::get_bank_account(account_id.as_bytes()) {
        Some(account) => {
                format!("bank: query_account_balance").as_bytes(),
                    "The current balance is: {}", 
        None => {
                format!("bank: query_account_balance").as_bytes(),
                format!("No such account found").as_bytes()

Lastly, finish up the functionalities of the bank by completing the implementation of withdraw_money() and deposit_money() using the methods mentioned in all previous sections. withdrawal and deposit

fn withdraw_money(account_id: String, amount_to_withdraw: u64) {
    match bank_account::get_bank_account(account_id.as_bytes()) {
        Some(mut account) => {
            match account.withdraw_from_balance(amount_to_withdraw) {
                Some(balance) => {

                    // update the world state
                    bank_account::set_bank_account(account_id.as_bytes(), &account);

                        format!("bank: withdraw_money").as_bytes(),
                        format!("The updated balance is: \n
                        Name: {} {}\n
                        Account Number: {}\n
                        Balance: {}", 
                None => pchain_sdk::log(
                    format!("bank: withdraw_money").as_bytes(),
                    format!("You do not have enough funds to withdraw from this account.").as_bytes()
        None => pchain_sdk::log(
            format!("bank: withdraw_money").as_bytes(),
            format!("No such account found").as_bytes()
fn deposit_money(account_id: String, amount_to_deposit: u64) {
    match bank_account::get_bank_account(account_id.as_bytes()) {
        Some(mut account) => {

            // update the world state
            bank_account::set_bank_account(account_id.as_bytes(), &account);

                format!("bank: deposit_money").as_bytes(),
                format!("The updated balance is: \nName: {} {}\nAccount Number: {}\nBalance: {}", 
        None => pchain_sdk::log(
            format!("bank: query_account_balance").as_bytes(),
            format!("No such account found").as_bytes()